Publish your blog from your desktop

This CMS is a desktop app that publishes static HTML to GitHub Pages

I've been blogging since 2008. I use WordPress, and pay about $100 / month for fast, secure hosting. And WordPress is still slow.

Whenever I want to write a post, I have to log in to WordPress (wait for it to load), click "Add new post" (wait for it to load), write, click publish (wait for it to load).

It's painful.

You know what I really want? The ability to write my blog posts in a speedy desktop app, and publish directly to GitHub Pages as static files.

I've tried Jekyll. It's complicated to setup. I want a simple WYSIWYG editor on my desktop, without having to fiddle around in the command line.

A desktop app could be a great CMS. There's no reason to manage the sitemap, navigation, or the feed on a server (or with a database). Web apps like Kirby and Siteleaf have proven that a file‑based CMS can be faster to load and cheaper to host. BUT they're still web apps!

FrontPage and Dreamweaver were bloated, crappy, software. BUT that doesn't mean the desktop app model is bad.

Imagine being able to write your blog posts on your desktop, and have them published as fast-loading static files on GitHub pages, Digital Ocean, or any server.

Do you want this too? Sign up here:

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I'll be in touch soon. If you want to DM me right now, get me on Twitter: @mijustin

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